List of Historians

  • Herodotus, (484 – c. 420 BC), Halicarnassus, "Father of History", wrote the Histories that established Western historiography
  • Thucydides, (460 – c. 400 BC), Peloponnesian War
  • Berossus, (early 3rd century BC), Babylonian historian
  • Xenophon, (431 – c. 360 BC), an Athenian knight and student of Socrates
  • Ptolemy I Soter (367 BC – c. 283 BC), General of Alexander the Great, founder of Ptolemaic Dynasty
  • Manetho (3rd century BC), Egyptian historian and priest from Sebennytos (ancient Egyptian: Tjebnutjer) who lived during the Ptolemaic era
  • Timaeus of Tauromenium, (c. 345 – c. 250 BC), Greek history
  • Quintus Fabius Pictor, (c. 254 BC – ?), Roman history
  • Gaius Acilius, (fl. 155 BC), Roman history
  • Polybius, (203 – c. 120 BC), Early Roman history (written in Greek)
  • Sima Qian, (c. 145 – c. 86 BC), Chinese history, compiled the Records of the Grand Historian
  • Julius Caesar, (100 – c. 44 BC), Gallic and civil wars
  • Diodorus of Sicily, (1st century BC), Greek history
  • Sallust, (86–34 BC)
  • Liu Xiang (scholar), (79–8 BC) (Chinese Han Dynasty), Chinese history
  • Dionysius of Halicarnassus, (c. 60 – after 7 BC), Roman history
  • Strabo, (63 - 24 AD), geography, Greek history
  • Livy, (c. 59 BC – c. 17 AD), Roman history
  • Marcus Velleius Paterculus, (c. 19 BC – c. 31 AD), Roman history
  • Ban Biao, (3–54), (Chinese Han Dynasty), started the Book of Han that was completed by his son and daughter
  • Quintus Curtius Rufus, (c. 60–70), Greek history
  • Ban Gu, (32–92), (Chinese Han Dynasty)
  • Flavius Josephus, (37–100), Jewish history
  • Pamphile of Epidaurus, (female historian active during the reign of Nero, r. 54–68), Greek history
  • Ban Zhao, (45–116), (Chinese Han Dynasty, China's first female historian)
  • Thallus, (early 2nd century AD), Roman history
  • Plutarch, (c. 46 – 120), would not have counted himself as an historian, but is a useful source because of his Parallel Lives of important Greeks and Romans
  • Gaius Cornelius Tacitus, (c. 56 – c. 120), early Roman Empire
  • Suetonius, (75–160), Roman emperors up to Flavian dynasty
  • Appian, (c. 95 – c. 165), Roman history
  • Arrian, (c. 92–175), Greek history
  • Lucius Ampelius, (3rd century AD?), Roman history
  • Dio Cassius, (c. 160 – after 229), Roman history
  • Herodian, (c. 170 – c. 240), Roman history
  • Chen Shou, (233–297), (Chinese Jin Dynasty), compiled the Records of the Three Kingdoms
  • Eusebius of Caesarea, (c. 275 – c. 339), Early Christian
  • Ammianus Marcellinus, (c. 325 – c. 391), Roman history
  • Fa-Hien, (c. 337 – c. 422), Chinese Buddhist monk and historian
  • Rufinus of Aquileia, (c. 340 – 410), Early Christian
  • Philostorgius, (368 – c. 439), Early Christian
  • Socrates of Constantinople, (c. 380 – ?), Early Christian
  • Theodoret, (c. 393 – c. 457), Early Christian
  • Fan Ye (historian), (398–445), Chinese history, compiled the Book of Later Han
  • Priscus, (5th century), Byzantine history
  • Sozomen (c. 400 – c. 450), Early Christian
  • Salvian, (c. 400/405 – c. 493), Early Christian
  • Movses Khorenatsi, (13 January 410–488), History of Armenians since 2492 BC

Historians and chroniclers 

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